Alejandro (Alex) FriasCoordinator Conferences
Most people would describe me as intrepid, smart and thoughtful. Originally from Guadalajara; I went to college in Colorado and graduated from Acsenda School of Management in Vancouver with a concentration in International Business. Having traveled in over 50 countries and speaking 5 languages, I am thrilled to join ICS for the exciting opportunities lying ahead. I like how each conference is different and offers an opportunity to explore new problem-solving skills. Most importantly, I enjoy seeing how each person in the team adds value to the projects and contributes to the success of the events.
My professional experience includes over 15 years in the hospitality industry; working for the spectator services department in two Olympic Games; translating and interpreting; and volunteering in numerous organizations and events. The staff at ICS have been exceptionally welcoming, supportive and always fun to work with.
I am very pleased to be part of such a great team!
Disce quasi semper victurus, vive quasi cras moriturus.~St. Edmund of Abingdon